
World Energy Council Transition Toolkit User Guide

What is this?
This is the World Energy Council’s Transition Toolkit User Guide. The User Guide presents the Council’s five Insights Tools and provides ideas on how to use them to analyse and address energy transition challenges.

The five tools included in the User Guide are:
  • World Energy Issues Monitor: reality check - global, regional, national energy leaders’ perspectives on the key challenges
  • Energy Policy Trilemma: policy pathfinding to manage security, equity and sustainability through transition 
  • World Energy Scenarios: a tool for bigger picture thinking, revealing deeper assumptions and reframing choices and options
  • Dynamic Resilience: better prepare firms for new shocks and stresses and adapt whole systems to emerging and systemic risks
  • Innovation Insights: deeper into disruptive dynamics and moving transition innovation from the margins to mainstream

The Toolkit also includes an example of an Impact Card – where we detail a story of success, showcasing how one of our members has applied our tools to enable a national level dialogue, getting tangible results.

We also provide an Action Card – our recipe for success, which describes a step-by-step approach to using one of our tools to drive for impact. A library of these cards will be made available through our national Member Committees.

What does it do?
The Toolkit is designed to go beyond a study of the energy transition, and help our members and wider stakeholders better manage that transition and take advantage of the opportunities it offers. The tools themselves can be used individually and in combination to convene, to engage and to catalyse new forms of collaborative action and innovation.

Why use this tool?
Our Energy Transition Toolkit can be used to generate quality dialogue with a diversity of energy stakeholders across the value chain, encouraging experimentation and futures thinking and empowering sustainable transitions.
The stakes of global energy transition are high and getting higher. Our Energy Transition Toolkit combines five tools for analysis, assessment, dialogue  and collaboration, which can help energy stakeholders engage with and contribute to new energy realities.

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