Energy Efficiency: A Straight Path Towards Sustainability in Mexico

23rd May 2017

News ArticleLatin America EventsInnovationMember Committees

Energy efficiency continues to improve all over the world but despite the significant advances, much more can and should be done to improve the efficiency of energy production and use. Francois Moisan, leader of the World Energy Council’s Knowledge Network on Energy Efficiency, along with Didier Bosseboeuf of the French Environment and  Energy Management Agency, ADEME, presented the Council’s report “Energy Efficiency: A Straight Path Towards Sustainability” at an event in Mexico in April.

The event was organised by the Comisión Nacional para el Uso Eficiente de la Energía (CONUEE), a member of the Mexican member committee of the Council, in the context of the 5th working mission on planning and monitoring energy efficiency.
CONUEE, ADEME and ENERDATA also participated in the event which was supported by the Agence Francaise pour le Development (ADF). Pablo Mulás, Executive Director of the Mexican member committee, welcomed the participants and emphasised the importance of the topic of energy efficiency.
François Moisan, Chair of the Council’s Knowledge Network on Energy Efficiency Policies & Indicators and Director of Strategy and Research, ADEME (France), said: 
“The introduction of energy efficiency policies and measures has been growing fast around the world. The increasing number of countries with an energy efficiency law, ten more compared to the 2013 report, signifies a strengthening and consolidation of the institutional commitment to energy efficiency”.
During the event, Dr. Bosseboeuf first presented the status of the energy efficiency policies implemented in different countries and as well as the impact the implemented policies have had in the different countries. The report 'Energy Efficiency: A Straight Path Towards Sustainability' finds that Energy consumption per unit GDP (primary energy intensity) is decreasing in 80% of the surveyed countries and most regions, mainly due to the combination of a number of factors, including high energy prices until 2014 and other economic factors; successful energy efficiency programmes; expanding GHG emissions abatement regulations; and the transformation of economic activities with a growing share of services in the GDP in countries around the world.

Large disparities between regions and countries in industrial and household energy use

It also shows there are large disparities between regions and countries, both in terms of industrial and household energy use. Europe has the lowest primary energy intensity per unit GDP at Purchasing Power Parity (PPP), followed closely by Latin America, while China uses twice the amount of energy per unit GDP compared to Europe.

In Mexico, there has been an impetus to raise awareness and push the market towards an increased demand for energy efficient buildings. In 2016, Mexico City’s Environmental Ministry (SEDEMA), announced the final publication of updated construction regulations for the city. The regulations include energy efficiency measures for new and retrofitted buildings and are part of a series of actions the local government is taking to build a more sustainable city by improving buildings and reducing greenhouse gas emissions from the energy sector.

The updated regulations will provide new Complementary Technical Standards to enable more energy-efficient buildings. The standards include guidance on materials for construction, equipment (electrical, plumbing, drainage, sewage, solar water heaters and efficient lighting and air conditioning) and design (building envelope and insulation).
Representatives from Mexican public institutions and international organisations
Several representatives from Mexican public institutions attended the event including the Instituto Nacional de Electricidad y Energías Limpias (INEEL); the Comisión Federal de Electricidad (CFE), the Instituto Nacional de Ecología y Cambio Climático (INECC); and the Programa para el Desarrollo Bajo en Emisiones de México (MLED).

A number of International organisations were also represented such as the International Energy Agency (IEA); the Comisión Económica para América Latina y el Caribe (CEPAL); the Agencia de Cooperación Alemana (GIZ); and the Agence Francaise pour le Development (AFD).

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