Welcome to a new direct member Woodside

25th November 2015

Press ReleaseOceaniaPartners

Woodside, Australia’s most experienced LNG operator and largest independent oil and gas company who is recognised across the world as an explorer, developer, producer and supplier, is the latest company to join the World Energy Council as a direct member. As well as LNG assets in the north-west of Australia that host some of the world’s best facilities, its global exploration portfolio includes emerging and frontier provinces in Australia and the Asia-Pacific region, the Atlantic margins and Latin America and Sub-Saharan Africa.

Woodside will be supporting activities in the region, but also globally such as the World Energy Congress where Peter Coleman, CEO and MD, will be speaking on the global dynamics of LNG markets.

Organisations in countries where the World Energy Council does not yet have an active member committee can join the Council under a direct membership. This is a scalable engagement process for individual companies or organisations that provide them with access to the World Energy Council’s network, work programme and events.

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