World Energy Co-Chair welcomes Heads of State and distinguished guests to the 23rd World Energy Congress

10th October 2016


Core extract of speech given by Younghoon David Kim, Co-Chair, World Energy Council:

"On behalf of the World Energy Council I wholeheartedly welcome you  to what is a very special moment in our 93-year history. You are joining us at the 23rd World Energy Congress to embrace the new frontiers of energy.

"The World Energy Council is the largest global network of energy leaders from nearly 100 countries. We represent more than 3,000 organisations in the energy community, encompassing the private sector, academia government and investors. The Council is dedicated to delivering a reliable, sustainable, and affordable energy system for the greatest benefit to all.

"The World Energy Council was conceived after World War I to demonstrate that energy could bring nations together rather than divide them. We thank you for your presence here today, which honors and reinforces our vision.

"Our special thanks should go to President Erodagan of the Republic of Turkey for his leadership and personal support in staging this significant event in Istanbul. I have no doubt it will be a great success.

"Today we meet at a crucial time. The energy sector is undergoing a grand transition driven by the fast-paced development of disruptive new technologies and global environmental challenges. Over the coming decades this profound energy transformation will fundamentally change the way in which we produce and consume energy.

"Governments, industry, inventors and society as a whole are being called upon to respond to these increasingly complex challenges. Our industry has a historic opportunity to provide leadership to power the new industrial revolution.

"In achieving our vision for a sustainable energy future, leadership at all levels will be critical. Your presence and messages here today will help inspire the dialogue among energy leaders over the next three days.

"Presidents, Prime Minister, Excellencies, distinguished guests and ladies and gentlemen.

"Let us embrace the new frontiers of energy together.

"Thank you very much."

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