World Energy Scenarios | 2019: European Regional Perspectives
The scenarios provide an inclusive and strategic framework that enables big-picture thinking. They are designed to be used as a set to explore and navigate what might happen and support a better-quality global strategic dialogue on the future of energy systems.
These regionally focused scenarios were produced using a World Energy Council framework, that was developed by the Council and its scenarios partner, the Paul Scherrer Institute.
The report is following a medium-term time horizon of 2040 and focuses on European region, which includes EU31, Eastern Europe and Russia. It explores three plausible pathways for a region in Modern Jazz, Unfinished Symphony and Hard Rock futures, provides comparative analysis, and a broader view on ‘how to use’ the scenarios.
The regionally focussed scenarios were informed by insights from 15 deep-dive regionally focussed leadership interviews, regional workshops in Paris, Berlin and Tallinn, and wide experts’ engagements.